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2024 Edelman Trust Barometer P. 4 A Global Referendum on Innovation in Society Dec 2021 Aug 2022 Jan 2023 Nov 2023 s Covid vaccinations U.S. passes the 100 million people log At COP 28, countries s save over 14 million Inflation Reduction on to Chat GPT in its commit to transition e lives in their first year Act, designed to first two months away from fossil fuels r g incentivize green o innovation Pr 2024 What will Elections in lead society to 64 countries accept or reject 49% of the world’s innovation? k July 2022 Sept 2023 May 2023 Nov 2023 population eligible c Beijing rescinds U.S. Republican Hollywood Dutch Freedom Party to cast their vote a first vaccine presidential frontrunner screenwriters and wins power in protest b mandates after campaigns against actors strike over of green mandates h s 2 days of backlash electric vehicle studio use of Pu transition streaming and AI technologies Top row, left to right: The Lancet, Washington Post, Reuters, Reuters Bottom row, left to right: Reuters, CNN, AP News, Politico Far right: Time

2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report - Page 4 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report Page 3 Page 5