DISTRUST IS THE DEFAULT: NO BASIS FOR PEACEFUL DEBATE Majority in 24 countries Majority in 27 countries Which are you more likely to believe? Percent who agree People in this country lack the ability to have constructive and civil debates about issues they disagree on My tendency is to distrust until 59%I see evidence that something is trustworthy VS. My tendency is to trust until I see evidence that something is untrustworthy 64% 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_CHOICE. You are about to see two choices. We want you to choose the one that best describes you and your beliefs. Question asked of half of the sample. POP_MDC. Below is a list of statements. For each one, please rate how true you believe that statement is using a nine-point scale where one means it is “not at all true” and nine means it is “completely true”. 9-point scale; top 4 box, true. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, 27-mkt avg.

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