ALL STAKEHOLDERS HOLD BUSINESS ACCOUNTABLE Percent who agree Global 27 Global 7 Source: 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Institutional Investors 58% 60% 64% 88% Buy or advocate Choose a place Invest of institutional investors for brands to work based on their subject ESG to the same scrutiny based on their beliefs based on their beliefs beliefs and values as operational and financial and values and values considerations 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. Belief-driven consumer, employee, and investor segments. General population, 27-mkt avg. Employee data is filtered to be among employees of an organization (Q43/1). Investor data is only among those who sell stocks, bonds, or mutual funds as a standalone or employer-sponsored investment (INVESTOR/1). See Technical Appendix for a full explanation of how belief-driven consumers, employees, and investors were measured. 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Institutional Investors. Q7. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding shareholder activism. 4-point scale; top 2 box, agree. 7-mkt avg.

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